a space for everyone who wants to work with fanfiction in cultural and literary studies.

next session

Tue 11 February 2025

16.00 c.t. | IG 4.201 + zoom

Idols. Fan-Celebrity Relationships in Fanfic.

How are parasocial relationships depicted in fanfiction? Where do fans draw the line between star figure and real person, and where are those lines blurred? Which are often crossed? Why are K-pop fanfics often very sexually explicit?

Those questions and more will be discussed in this session. The fanfic is a reader-insert BTS fanfic, and the secondary text is an introduction to Celebrity Cultures. The secondary text is in German.

Fanficforum in Conference on 24 January 2025!

On 24 January 2025, it’s time again – we’re hosting our annual Fanfic Student Conference and you are all invited! Listen to people talk about Drarry and Schoethe from a literary studies point of view or get to know a new edited collection on fanfiction directly from the authors.

fancy being part of the Fanficforum?

we meet every two weeks and are open to everyone – no matter which major or semester! just pop by to discuss fanfiction(s) and how to read them scientifically.