Our conference is entering its second round! Once again, we want to give students the opportunity to present and discuss their current academic work on the topic of fanfic.
Who? students from all universities, programmes and levels, German- or English-speaking
If you want to listen on site, no further registration is required. If you want to take part online, write to us for the Zoom link at info@fanficforum-ffm.de or on Instagram (@fanficforum_ffm)!
Magic Wands. What Male Gay Porn in Harry Potter Fanfiction Can Teach Us About the Patriarchy [EN] Laura Nikolich
Feel you, Goethe. Akualisierung und Affekt in Goethe/Schiller Fanfictions [DE] Patricia Heise
In Texten wildern. Slash oder die Erotisierung fiktiver Stoffe durch Fanfgemeinden [Buchvorstellung & Podium] [DE] Anne Esser (Hg.), Vera Cuntz-Leng, Nina Heise, Jacqueline Meintzinger; Moderation: Joanna Maethok